
One for the refrigerator

It's been a long week: Lice Mom breathing down my neck, an asthma attack of the caliber that I had my hand on the phone to call the paramedics just as mom ran in with the inhaler, teachers angry about IEPs, the list goes on. So when a goofy acting girl comes in and hands me this, I smile:

Then I opened the letter:

All I did was check her eyes and send home a vision referral - not a big deal, I do it all the time. (And most kids hate it, because glasses are probably on the way.) Well, it was a big deal to someone, and she took the time to write me a letter about it. Pretty much the sweetest thank you note I have ever received.


  1. very cool... making a difference one kid at a time.

  2. I can still remember the day I travelled home on the bus after getting my first pair of glasses - well over 50 years ago! You know how small children draw trees, a big green cloud? That's what I thought trees really looked like - the sight of individual leaves was a revelation.

    I have never been able to see the face of someone sitting at the same table as me clearly without glasses and even reading a book is difficult without holding it pretty close. THAT's the level of difference you will have made for this girl - and she is thanking you before that revelation!

  3. So sweet!
    Hey, one of the students in my BSN program just shared information about the Open Airways for Schools Program through the American Lung Association. You can find more info here: http://www.lungusa.org/lung-disease/asthma/in-schools/open-airways/open-airways-for-schools-1.html
    I think they have a great philosophy of teaching the child to manage his or her own asthma, and this may resonate well in your school where the parents cannot always be counted on to stay on top of their child's health needs.
    Just thought you might be interested.
