
Why why why...

I had to re-check a couple of kindergarten boys who had failed my initial hearing screening. It's not unusual at that point: I do my screenings in the hallway, and sometimes the excitement makes the little ones unable to focus long enough to pass the screening exam. I met the teacher at the hallway entrance as they were returning after recess, and she pointed one of the boys out to me and said the other was still in the bathroom. The kindergarten bathroom is left propped open so as to minimize funny business, and I could see the little boy's feet dancing around the stall. He finally finished up and I saw his feet near the stall door, seemingly poised to leave. Next thing...he lays down on his stomach, and crawls out of the stall underneath the door. Imagine his surprise when he stood and dusted  himself off and saw me at the doorway, hands on my hips, eyebrows raised, and trying very, very hard not to laugh.

Sadly, I didn't feel I should let the kid get away with it. I told his teacher, who had him turn his card from green to yellow (I think there are consequences when it gets to red). I was as much amused by this exit as I was disgusted by the germs that must be all over the front of himself, and received no explanation as to why he went that route. I don't understand the logic of a five year old, obviously.

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