
Day 2

At The Special Place, a student escaped, but only temporarily, and a teacher was bit on the arm and punched in the face by one of her students. There may only be 40 students on site, but I think they might turn out to be an exciting bunch. A new nurse was hired to replace our retired one, and now I'm thinking I may not give back the Special Place: the office is huge, I am buddies with the secretary from a previous school, and I like the excitement that comes with working with that population.

At The Institution, my diabetic is probably going to prove to be the most compliant, easiest student I've probably ever worked with. When you've worked with some nightmare-ish families, you really notice the difference when you get lucky with an easy one.

And I will leave you with this: Avoid the 'back-to-school plague'. I will vouch for the fact that drinking fountains gross the heck out of me, particularly when kids suck on the end of them like they're lollipops...child after child on line sucking on the same piece of wet metal. Gross, gross, gross.

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