
Reason why I like my job #53254:

Because you just never know what these kids will say. A sixth grader comes in every day to take his Ritalin pill at the same time I see my diabetics. Each day, I say, "Hi [Student], what's new?" He always pauses to come up with something new, sometimes a new lunchbox or a new book he's reading. But today, I got the best answer yet - and I've been seeing him since he was in fourth grade. 

First, he answered my question with one of his own: "Do you know what sober means?"
"Well my dad is in a club and he got a chip for being 5 years sober!"


  1. Anonymous5/2/15 05:26

    Awesome. Something for dad and son to be proud of!

  2. That's awesome that his son has already learned that SOBER is a thing to celebrate! Good for that dad for sharing and being open with his kiddo!!

  3. Brilliant! If only there were more...
