
Eye Rolling

Monday mornings I've been keeping myself busy at The Special Place. There have only been a few Mondays since school started, but the police have had to make a visit *every* time I'm there. (Usually attempted runaways.) For obvious reasons, every closed door at the school is locked. So, to get to a classroom, I need to have the secretary walk me out of the office (because it's locked), into the classroom building (also locked), and then let me into the classroom (also locked). It's a hassle, so I don't make house calls if I can avoid it. 

I needed to screen one of the students, so the secretary called the classroom to see if an aide would bring the student up to the office. (Because I can't call classrooms from my phone in the nurse's office. Did I mention this school is a hassle?) They said they didn't want to disturb his routine, so I offered to go out there myself. The secretary walked me to the classroom, and I met the student, who was busy arranging dice in boxes. The aide's explained that this was what he was working on and that I probably wouldn't be able to get his attention to test him - could I come back in 10 minutes? I stopped myself from asking why they hadn't just told the secretary this over the phone when she said why I'd be coming down, and went back to my office. 

Ten minutes later, the secretary walked me back through the many doors to the classroom. I started trying to work with the student again when another aide piped up, "Oh, he's too low functioning, you won't be able to screen him." They weren't able to tell the secretary this when she called to say I would be screening him, nor the first time I made time I walked out there? I don't understand some people. 

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