

I'm taking Friday off, and I mentioned it to my little Spitfire diabetic so she could get a heads up:
Spitfire: What? Noooooooo! You can't be gone. Who's going to be here instead? Can I see a picture of whoever is going to be here instead?
Me: Um...Why do you need a picture of her? She's very nice, you'll just have to trust me.
Spitfire: If I see a picture I can decide if I like her, and if I don't like her, I'm just going to have to stay home that day.
She can be such a pain the ass, but she is just so cute I kind of want to pack her up and take her home with me sometimes. I'm pretty sure I'd take better care of her than her mom does.
And now I am left wondering how to break it to her that we're switching schools after Christmas break, and she should be getting a new nurse either right after or soon after we return in January. 

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