
Just another manic Monday...

With the start of allergy season, I had a particularly busy day in my office, but not so busy I didn't notice my spitfire diabetic looking especially depressed. She's often dramatic and unhappy, and I've learned to treat her like the moody 16 year old teenager she thinks she is. When I didn't question her unhappiness, she opened up herself:
Her: You want to know why I'm sad?
Me: Do share.
Her: My dad is leaving today to be in jail for six months. I couldn't sleep last night so I stayed up until 1 am watching movies in bed. He gave me this necklace as a going away present.
Me: [Thinking to myself, "Hallelujah! Her dad's even worse than her mom in terms of her diabetic monitoring, and is a terrible role model. Recently made the papers for a DUI, and a high speed chase he led the police on. When dad's away, her blood sugars never fail to improve. Note of irony: her dad's a diabetic.] Oh...sorry to hear that. I know you probably think you can't smile right now, but I'll bet I can make you laugh.
Her: [Pouting] What.
Me: I fell off my bike this weekend.

I showed her my scraped hand, and much to her amusement explained that for no good reason I fell over on my bike this weekend. There is nothing that makes that girl laugh like telling her I made a fool of myself. Her troubles were forgotten as she was told me she was going to start calling the newspapers to tell them a 26 year old doesn't know how to ride a bike. Sigh...go ahead and get your laugh, girl, because I know you aren't getting them at home.

In another incident, I innocently asked a student if his mom was home while reaching for the phone to find someone to pick him up. He answered, "No, we don't have a house." I asked where he slept at night, he told me his grandparents' "for now."

Another mother called to excuse her son's absence. Reason: baby daddy was refusing to follow the custody arrangement and hadn't dropped said son back off at her house. Lovely.

In happier news, congratulations to Angela for winning a pair of scrubs from Scrubshopper.com, and thanks again Stephanie at Scrubshopper.com for coordinating that!

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