
Friday Recap

Oh, what week, especially after my last one. I found success I didn't think was possible, and received a small raise, to boot. I ended the week in my "happy place" that I keep meaning to write more about: my elementary school that I'm in my second year with now. The secretaries don't do much extra here, leaving me to do everything from tying shoes to untangling hair. I plucked out stingers from scraped hands and gave handwashing lessons as I tried and failed to get work done on the computer that I needed to - but that's okay. I'd rather do what I did, which was say hi to the kids at recess, be screamed at by one ("I saw you at Kid's Corner!!"), and learned a boogey dance from a 5th grader in the 90+ degree heat. I alternate between wondering why I needed to go to higher education to do this job, and wondering how on earth I'm getting paid to do something so awesome. Happy three day weekend!

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