
Two Cuties

My spitfire diabetic came in at lunch, like always, to check her blood sugar. I've been battling a sinus infection, I believe, and was at the peak of it, thinking of how much I wanted to crawl back in bed. She asked how I was doing, and I answered honestly, "Actually, your nurse isn't feeling so good today." We got to chatting, and she decided to have lunch in my office with me rather than the cafeteria. She had a packed lunch - a huge rarity - and even better, with the carb counts on the items. As she started munching, I emptied out her lunch bag to see what she brought. I pulled out two Cuties, and, perplexed, I asked why she brought two (she eats like a bird). Not missing a beat, and sounding like I was an idiot for even asking, "Well, one's for you."
How sweet! She may have some serious problems at home that sometime surface in the manner of attitude problems at school, but somewhere in there, not very deep, is a really nice kid.

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