
Hold your horses

Dear Readers,
Due to being under the weather in a Benadryl, Hydroxyzine, and Prednisone-induced nauseated zombie state, I have failed to properly blog what has been an exciting time at school. Thank you for your patience, I will do my best to update just as soon as I can keep my focus long enough to do so. Stay tuned, because highlights include being under fire for a missing bottle of Ritalin and a run-in with Shoe Girl. Yay!


  1. Have you seen this? Written by a 9 year old Scottish girl, apparently chronicling her school lunches: http://neverseconds.blogspot.com.es/

  2. This kid is going to have some life, She's a real Scot. { http://top-earning-adsense-keywords.blogspot.com }
