
Whatever it takes to get them out of my office

I have a first grader (Head Shunt boy) who for some reason reminds me of Mario of Mario Brothers, with his tiny body and oversized head - minus the mustache, of course. He is one of the most talkative kids I have ever encountered and everything is a challenge with him because it is impossible to get him to focus on a task. "Mario" has become a frequent flier, complaining of various ailments that he can never quite pinpoint. Today he came in with a stomachache, saying he needed to call home for medicine. With some kids it's easier to just call home and let their parents duke it out with them, so as he stood way too close, spitting all over my phone (and ignoring my "see, you need to step back because you just spit on my phone" requests), I dialed home. I reached his mother, what I imagine must be the most patient person on this planet, and told her I had her son wanting to talk. After prancing around my office while I had to tell his mom, "Well, he wanted to call, but now he won't talk..." he finally took the phone. He talked with her briefly, and when I asked to talk with her, he hung up. I asked what she said, and he answered, "She said stop running around and go back to class and call me later." I told him I agreed, and asked what time she said to call back. "3:30," he replied with confidence. I quickly agreed and sent him back to class, and told him he could return at 3:30. School lets out at 2:10.

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